CableRail® Custom Solutions

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Build Them Right

Using our Quick-Connect® style fittings with automatic-locking jaws and our bulk cable you can build your assemblies in the field. The cable end is simply inserted into the fitting and the spring-loaded one-way jaws grab and lock on. If necessary, a reusable release tool can be used to disengage and remove or readjust the fitting. Every cable line must have at least one Tensioner fitting in order to tension a line. This diagram shows the 2 common fitting positions.

CableRail fittings fixed end tension adjustment


Bulk Cable


All fittings and cables are manufactured from high-quality 316-grade stainless steel for weather-tough durability, ultra-low maintenance, and lasting beauty.


Bulk Cable – 1/8″ diameter 1×19 cable construction is available in various lengths for use with CableRail fittings.




Length Part #
100-ft #5100
250-ft #5250
500-ft #5500
Fittings That Attach to the Inside Face of a Post or Wall

Quick-Connect® Jaw

Quick-Connect® fixed end fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face with removable clevis pin.



Quick-Connect® Jaw Tensioner


Quick-Connect® tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face with removable clevis pin. Special swiveling body to adjust tension.



Quick-Connect® Jaw Turnbuckle


Quick-Connect® tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face with removable clevis pin.



Quick-Connect® Surface Mount


Quick-Connect® fixed end fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face using lag screws, bolts, or button head lag screws.



Quick-Connect® Surface Mount Turnbuckle

Quick-Connect® tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face using lag screws, bolts, or button head lag screws.



Quick-Connect® Surface Mount Tensioner


Quick-Connect® tension adjustment fitting attaches to post face using lag screw bolts, or button head lag screws. Special swiveling body to adjust tension.



Quick-Connect® Expansion Anchor Tensioner 


Quick-Connect® tension adjustment fitting for anchoring CableRail into masonry wall or posts.



Quick-Connect® Expansion Anchor


Quick-Connect® fixed end fitting for anchoring CableRail into masonry wall or posts.



Fittings That Attach to the Outside Face of a Post

Quick-Connect® Threaded Terminal


Quick-Connect® tension adjustment fitting used to terminate cables when you have access to the outside of the face of the post.



Quick-Connect® Inset Fitting


Quick-Connect® fixed end fitting for attaching cables through end posts.



Quick-Connect® Internal Thread Adjuster


Quick-Connect® tension adjustment fitting, inserts through a drill hole in end post and is secured and adjusted using a bolt and washer (included).

9907-PKG (1-1/2″ Bolt)

9908-PKG (2″ Bolt)

9909-PKG (3″ Bolt)


Machine Swage & CableCrimp Fittings

Machine swage fittings are attached to the cable at our factory using a hydraulic cold forming press. The swage shank portion of the fitting is pressed on to the end of the cable and has a uniform hexagonal shape when finished. Assemblies using Machine Swage type fittings are fabricated to you exact lengths in our factory and then shipped ready to install.


CableCrimp style fittings are attached to the cable by hand in the field using a special CambleCrimp Hand Crimper tool. After proper crimping, the fitting will display several evenly spaced compression marks where the tool was engaged. Most 1/8” and 3/16” cable fittings are available in CableCrimp styles.

Fittings That Attach to the Inside Face of a Post or Wall

Fixed Jaw End

Fixed end fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face with removable clevis pin. Machine swaged or hand crimped.


Jaw Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face with removable clevis pin. Machine swaged or hand crimped.


Sleekline Jaw Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face with removable clevis pin. Best suited for CableCrimp swaging. Also available Machine Swaged.


Fixed Surface Mount


Fixed end fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face using lag screws, bolts, or button head lag screws. Machine swaged or hand crimped.



Sleekline Surface Mount Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face using lag screws, bolt or button head lag screws. Best suited for CableCrimp swaging. Also available Machine Swaged.

Surface Mount Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face using lag screws, bolts, or button head lag screws. Machine swaged or hand crimped.

Fixed Lock Toggle


Tension adjustment fitting for CableRail, attaches to post face with removable clevis pin. Best suited for CableCrimp swaging. Also available Machine Swaged.

Fittings That Attach to the Outside Face of a Post

Internal Thread Adjuster


Inserts through a drill hole in end post and is secured and adjusted using a bolt and washer (included)


Fixed Ball End


Fixed end fitting, inserted through a drill hole in the end post and secured with a screw-on ball. Machine swaged or hand crimped


End Ball Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting, through a drill hole in the end post and secured with a screw-on ball. Machine swaged or hand crimped


Sleekline Ball End Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting, through a drill hole in the end post and secured with a screw-on ball. Best suited for CableCrimp swaging. Also available Machine Swaged


Fixed Cap End


Fixed end fitting, inserted through a drill hole in the end post and secured with a screw-on end cap. Machine swaged or hand crimped


Cap End Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting, inserted through a drill hole in the end post and secured with a screw-on end cap. Machine swaged or hand crimped


Sleekline Cap End Turnbuckle


Tension adjustment fitting, inserted through a drill hole in the end post and secured with a screw-on end cap. Best suited for Cable Crimp swaging. Also available Machine Swaged


Fixed Button Head


Single piece fitting with non-removable, low profile rounded head. Head rests against the outside face of the post


Threaded Terminal


CableRail fitting for attachment through post to outside face. Machine swaged or hand crimped


Fittings Positioned in the Middle of an Assembly

In-Line Turnbuckle


Used in the middle of a cable assembly for additional tensioning on long run or where and tensionsing is not feasible or desired


Pairing Image to Reference for Fittings Above